How To Make Wire Jewelry 2011
How to make wire jewelry 2011 seems an appropriate topic as we all wind down on the year. This is the year that this website, 10 years old, was given a complete overhaul and the ramping up continued thru the bulk of this past year. Writing wire jewelry projects and tutorials, the year for me has really been all about teaching people how to make wire jewelry and how to do that as easily and quickly as possible.
What some of you might not know is that I often spend years researching and testing and creating wire jewelry making techniques and instructions. The fascination with this handmade wire jewelry is a wonderful challenge and there appears to be no end to the enthusiasm with which I approach it. Since I'm appreciating all that 2011 has brought, you might want to know how grateful I am for this wire jewelry making focus.
You might also want to know that I work extremely hard to make often complex looking wire jewelry in the simplest way possible. If I work out a technique or alter a public domain technique that is tedious, I'll typically move away from it if I can't make it simple or break it down into simple steps in the wire jewelry instructions. I well realize that it often takes patience when working with wire and the last thing I want to do is make it hard or harder. I want to be clever in creating the wire jewelry projects and tutorials that I release to my followers. I honestly want to help people who love working with wire continue that pursuit. Because it's a gift to be driven to create and sometimes all it takes is a little success or mastering a new technique or method.
In that vain, I've spent a fair amount of time considering exactly how and what to present on this website. I've also spent a fair amount of time considering the delivery methods available for learning how to make all this wire jewelry. Clearly, the tutorials are well liked and I will continue adding to them faster than I have this year. So much time this year went into the website design and learning how to use this system. It did take many months to get it all up with the tutorials and projects that currently exist on this site.....all of which kept me from adding new pdf's on a regular basis. That can and will change now.The biggest new tutorial was my 50 pager, Make Woven Wire Jewelry, which, fortunately seems to be a big success.
In any event, the year has concluded well for the site and I'm planning some great additions to it for 2012. I'll leave that as a surprise for the moment since implementation of the changes and offerings is still in the works and research phase.